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Industrial components

ALLERUP TEKNIK A/S is a highly specialised supplier of industrial components. These can be steel parts that are shaped by e.g. cutting, bending, laser cutting and subsequently machined and surface treated according to your specifications.

Our trade ensures deliveries to many industries

We have been trading industrial components with reputable suppliers in Asia for many years, which has given us in-depth knowledge of this exciting and well-suited market. We are continuously optimising our processes to make our collaboration even more constructive.

Our presence in the Asian market is of great benefit to our customers today, as this trade is one of the reasons why we are able to supply a very wide product range of industrial components to our customers at competitive prices.

ALLERUP TEKNIK A/S manufactures industrial components as both raw parts and finished parts, and we deliver to many different industries. Naturally, we also deliver your industrial components according to drawing specifications and tolerances.